Thursday, November 1, 2012

If only you knew what goes on inside my head..

I'm convinced you came into my life for a reason.  Maybe you don't feel the same way I do, but there's just something about you.  I hate being in this situation.  I just really want to get to know you.  I wish I was carefree and had the balls to say something but I just really don't.  It would kill me to find out that you don't feel for me what I feel for you.

It's highly unlikely that you do, and I try so so hard not to get my hopes up but the hopeless romantic in me just won't let go.  That little voice in my head saying "maybe he does miss you and maybe he's wondering how you feel about him" contradicts my realistic voice saying "there's no way, you know this happens every time, just give up." Even though my realistic voice is predominant, that other voice can't seem to let go.

I know what's meant to be will be; but how many things aren't meant to be? If that makes any sense..
Whenever I've gotten into this situation and when it doesn't work out I'm always just like alright well I guess it wasn't meant to be...  But how many times can that happen? I'm honestly fucking tired of it.

Maybe I'm just over thinking everything.

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